
Group: DynoMotion Message: 9370 From: rjreese29@ymail.com Date: 3/26/2014
Subject: Motors disabled on start, enable them then steps go high
Hi, I am just taking one step at a time and have not wired my step/dir motors. I have worked with my thread 1 init file and have it established and the ccode copied over. My issue: when I start mach, the message screen says axis disabled. Upon manually enableing them through kmotion, my step pins go high (and they will not go low even through the dig input screen). Your assistance on any details to look at/ point in the right direction would be great. I'll be working on several other items, so my response and thanks will be slow. Regs, Rob
Group: DynoMotion Message: 9371 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/26/2014
Subject: Re: Motors disabled on start, enable them then steps go high
Hi Rob,

Does your C program enable the Axes?  See:

It is normal that after a Step/Dir Generator is configured and enabled to drive the Step and Dir pins you will no longer be able to toggle them as General Purpose IO.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 9372 From: Rjreese29 Date: 3/26/2014
Subject: Re: Motors disabled on start, enable them then steps go high
Thanks Tom, 

I will review the mach documentation again. And ensure my axis is enabled in my c program. Tbd.

On the step pin being on/high, once the axis is enabled the step pin does go high and it will never go low.  It maybe my understanding(lack of), but the motor will move in this case so I am reluctant to wire in the motors until I can get that bit to stay low. In other words, Have them only go high when I issue them to go high via jogging or via code. Are my thoughts here right?

Thanks so much!!
Not expecting a lot of solutions here because I've got a lot to learn.

An amazing product and service you have here.

On Mar 26, 2014, at 10:31 AM, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:


Hi Rob,

Does your C program enable the Axes?  See:

It is normal that after a Step/Dir Generator is configured and enabled to drive the Step and Dir pins you will no longer be able to toggle them as General Purpose IO.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 9373 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/26/2014
Subject: Re: Motors disabled on start, enable them then steps go high
Hi Rob,

The Step signal requires an edge transition (change) to cause the the drive to advance the motor one microstep.  Remaining high or low will not cause the drive to move the motor.  The signal needs to be toggling high and low to cause the motor to move.  KFLOP can be configured for the Step to remain normally high and pulse low to advance the motor or to remain normally low and pulse high to advance the motor.  These pulses are hard to see without a scope because they are only microseconds (or less) long.  See also:



Group: DynoMotion Message: 9374 From: Rjreese29 Date: 3/27/2014
Subject: Re: Motors disabled on start, enable them then steps go high
Thanks for setting me straight!!
Makes sense.


On Mar 26, 2014, at 5:12 PM, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:


Hi Rob,

The Step signal requires an edge transition (change) to cause the the drive to advance the motor one microstep.  Remaining high or low will not cause the drive to move the motor.  The signal needs to be toggling high and low to cause the motor to move.  KFLOP can be configured for the Step to remain normally high and pulse low to advance the motor or to remain normally low and pulse high to advance the motor.  These pulses are hard to see without a scope because they are only microseconds (or less) long.  See also:
